Quotes from the Movie The Happening

No. She wanted to wait.

Elliot Moore

For me to grow up. Why are we talking about this?

Elliot Moore

It makes you kill yourself. Just when you thought there couldn't be any more evil that can be invented.

Alma Moore

We need to do something!

Alma Moore

We can't just stand here as uninvolved observers!

Alma Moore

Elliot please tell us what to do!

Alma Moore

What are you saying? That guy was crazy! We have to save them!

Alma Moore

What are you saying? That guy was crazy! We have to save them!

Alma Moore

Which species is doing it if you think it's true?

Alma Moore

You know plants have the ability to target specific threats. Tobacco plants when attacked by heliothis caterpillars will send out a chemical attracting wasps to kill just those caterpillars. We don't know how plants obtain these abilities, they just evolve very rapidly.

Nursery Owner

Plants have the ability to communicate with other species of plants. Trees can communicate with bushes, and bushes with grass, and everything in between.

Nursery Owner

It's the plants. They can release chemicals. [to his plants] OK babies, we are going to be going, but we will be back soon, OK? [to Elliot] Oh, plants react to human stimulus, they've proved it in tests. [to his wife] You get the mustard?

Nursery Owner

We're packing hot dogs for the road. You know hot dogs get a bad rap? They got a cool shape, they got protein. You like hot dogs right? By the way, I think I know what's causing this.

Nursery Owner

Alright, there appears to be an event happening. Central Park was just hit by what seems to be a terrorist attack. They're not clear on the scale yet. It's some kind of airborne chemical toxin that's been released in and around the park. They said to watch for warning signs. The first stage is confused speech. The second stage is physical disorientation, loss of direction. The third stage... is fatal.


An act of nature, and we'll never fully understand it.


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